May 9th Veil Fundamentals Unveiled with Shems (5:15-6:15pm MST)
In Veil Fundamentals Unveiled, Shems will gently guide you through the complexities of taking on this sometimes temperamental but also exhilarating dance partner. We’ll practice different approaches to dancing with the veil in ways that extend, accentuate, and frame your body, movement, and emotional expression. We’ll engage in veil recovery techniques, while also learning to turn unexpected veil incidents into moments of delight. We’ll dig a little into the backstories behind our veil dance traditions as they relate to Raqs Sharqi (aka belly dance), exploring the shifts between garment and theatrical prop, and discovering the mix of interpretations that grew from the roots of the Middle Eastern diaspora in America cross-pollinating with local blossoms. All the while we’ll be studying and practicing the movement tied to these traditions and transitions. As a deep dive into fundamentals, technique, and dance practice with the veil, this class is designed to be both accessible to the novice with a veil, as well as offering opportunities to build an enriched veil relationship to more experienced dancers.
Meeting ID: 897 1192 0219
Passcode: 521797